wan chinese new year lo.....><
like no feeling de????? o.0??
my mun say wan 2 painting the house....
wan die lo....
nevermind lo...wan chinese new year le ma....
4 a good luck....and bring the luck 4 new year....XP
me paint the car roof.....
har???? car roof??? not la...is the roof that cover the car la....><
me use 3 days 2 paint that roof.....
coz just me paint only ma.....need time lo...><
me wan paint my sisters room.....o.0
their room lagi difficult la......><
wan remove all the furniture and paint....
painted their room cause me become "white man"....
coz the paint drop on my heard, hand and leg....><
hard 2 wash it.....>o<
nevermind la...
as long as can give a new look of house in chinese new year is good already...
Happy chinese new year !!!!!!!!! ^^
Eight Of Wands Love
2 months ago